Monday, August 27, 2012

EGAN Medical Bracing for Hurricane Isaac

Due to Hurricane Isaac bearing down on Southeast Louisiana and Southwest Mississippi on virtually no notice whatsoever, EGAN Medical will be temporarily discontinuing all shipping operations until after the storm has passed and post offices around the Gulf South have reopened. The changes are effective Monday, August 27, 2012.

Orders placed late Friday-through-Sunday may ship early Monday, but we unfortunately cannot make any guarantees due to the total annihilation of everything from the last hurricane that struck here in late August. Even if the items ship on time, there is a good chance they'll be destroyed if all of the post offices in the area flood once again, as they did in 2005.

Customers whose orders do not make it to their respective destinations in a timely manner will be given the option of receiving a refunded payment or receiving their shipment at the first possible opportunity following the reopening of the EGAN Medical shipping facility in Long Beach (MS).

We apologize for any inconvenience caused to those who placed orders over the course of the past weekend, but we cannot afford to take any chances with failing to evacuate in a timely manner given the grace consequences of failure to do so the last time. The safety of our employees and their families is our top priority as we brace ourselves for another major storm.

Hopefully, the Isaac will do a 180, turn back around and head back out into the Atlantic without making landfall along the Gulf Coast, however we are preparing as though the storm will wreak devastation equal to or worse than that caused by Katrina.

On that note, each EGAN Medical employee was issued a 183-Piece First Aid Kit on Monday morning in preparation for the storm.

We pray that none actually have to use it at any point during their respective evacuations or during the storm if riding it out at home.